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Texas producers share what they do for more consistent yields, management and weed control.

“Plan for the best. Prepare for the worst.”

That’s the motto Hunter Wilde learned from his father. As a third-generation cotton producer in deep South Texas, Wilde has applied his father’s advice on his 14,000-acre operation.

Wilde learned to set fields up for success by giving the crop everything it needs to optimize yield, like adequate nutrition and protection from harmful pests and weeds. Rainfall, disease pressure and weed emergence are unpredictable because of ever-changing weather between the mountains of Mexico and the Texas coast. Every year is different — a fact that Wilde knows well.

Because of the unforeseen challenges each season brings, Wilde counts on PhytoGen® cottonseed for top-end yield year over year. Wilde said growers need consistency when navigating uncertainties of farming. Fortunately, PhytoGen meets that need.

“PhytoGen has been consistent on our farm,” Wilde said. “That is what we’re looking for more than anything. I can plan around having a consistent yield year in and year out.”

Wilde’s experience with PhytoGen® brand varieties has helped him fine-tune inputs. For example, the early vigor from PhytoGen reduces the need for replants, saving time and money. PhytoGen Breeding Traits™ also uniquely protect fields from regional disease and insects.

Yield-robbing pests like root-knot or reniform nematodes cost the cotton industry millions of dollars in yield loss each year. With the added protection of PhytoGen Breeding Traits, growers can expect season-long protection against pests and diseases to help achieve maximum yield and quality potential.

The consistent yield from PhytoGen cottonseed has helped Wilde follow his father's advice and plan for the best, even with uncertain field conditions.

“It is difficult down here because the climate is always changing,” Wilde said. “Each year is totally different. We can bank on a consistent yield with PhytoGen varieties rather than having a variety that swings in yield. That has helped us a lot, especially when planning for future seasons.”

Better yield, better weed control

Nelson Reus is another multigenerational grower who has found success with PhytoGen brand varieties. In Hondo, Texas, Reus manages a 1,500-acre rotation of corn, cotton and other minor crops, such as sorghum, wheat and sesame.

For the last three years, PhytoGen brand PHY 400 W3FE proved to be a strong variety on Reus’ farm. This high-performing variety was particularly beneficial in a dry 2022, especially with the year's high inputs costs.

“Our cotton has netted more than any other crop this year,” Reus said. “Because of the higher inputs and the dry year we had, our other crops did not yield as high as normal. But we were able to easily manage the cotton crop, and the yield is there with our PhytoGen varieties.”

Reus reported yields between 3.3 bales/A and 4.3 bales/A.

Grower Nelson Reus said he continues to plant PhytoGen® cottonseed because of the easy management, yield potential and the effectiveness of the Enlist® weed control system.

In addition to easier management and yield potential, Reus continues to plant PhytoGen® W3FE varieties because of the Enlist® weed control system. Multiple modes of action provide growers who use the Enlist system with a more effective and efficient weed-fighting tool.

“I really enjoy using PhytoGen and the Enlist system,” Reus said. “It gives us another management tool to help control tough weeds like Palmer amaranth and false ragweed. And it gives us three modes of action where we can help ourselves in a rotation in season.”

The first year Reus planted PhytoGen W3FE varieties, he used Liberty® herbicide and glyphosate to manage weeds. He learned more about the system and, the next year, applied sequential applications of Enlist One® herbicide and Liberty herbicide. Enlist One herbicide performed as expected, killing weeds and remaining on target.

This year, Reus faced high pressure from glyphosate-resistant pigweed and false ragweed on his irrigated acres. That’s when he most needed an effective weed management program. And PhytoGen brand varieties with the Enlist weed control system delivered.

“It’s a better bang for your buck. Once you overcome the uncertainty of using a new system, I don’t see why this can’t be profitable for any grower who wants to use it,” Reus said.

To learn more how PhytoGen cottonseed can help your farm, get yield data and variety information at PhytoGen.com/facts.