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Cotton Farmer Jeremy Wilson

Alabama producer Jeremy Wilson made the switch to newer PhytoGen® W3FE varieties after on-farm trials demonstrated higher yield potential on his cotton acres. Get the full story.

Cotton producers are marked by a never-quit-pushing mindset that searches for ways to improve on last year’s crop. Innovation begins with a look to the future and a willingness to change.

For Jeremy Wilson, striving for more led to a shift on his cotton acres — a decision to plant newer PhytoGen® brand varieties and use the Enlist® weed control system to keep fields clean.

“Two years ago, we did a PhytoGen variety trial, and the yields were very good — that’s what led us to this season,” Wilson said. “We were so impressed with the results that we planted 90% of our cotton acres to PhytoGen.”

While high yields ultimately led to the change, Wilson was initially intrigued by new options for weed control. PhytoGen W3FE varieties give him the option to use Enlist® One herbicide and bring a new mode of action to his farm.

“I really like Enlist One — I think it’s a superior product. I get really good weed control, especially on my morningglories and pigweed,” Wilson said. “And I don’t have to worry about it getting up and moving after application. It’s not going to volatilize. I saw early on that it is a good product — it does a better job than other options.”

Wilson says Enlist One is easy to clean out of his sprayer tank when he moves between crops, but he also planted Pioneer® brand Enlist E3® soybeans in 2023 — making farm management even more seamless.

“It makes life easier because you can spray Enlist One herbicide over PhytoGen W3FE varieties and Pioneer Enlist E3 soybeans,” Wilson said. “That gives me peace of mind and one less thing to worry about.”

Adding to that peace of mind, Wilson reports excellent fiber quality and exceptional early season vigor with his PhytoGen brand varieties. Vigor is especially important in seasons like 2023 when he had several big rains during the critical planting window.

“With the early season vigor in PhytoGen cottonseed, we got a good stand even after a lot of rain,” Wilson said. “We had one field where it rained about 2 inches the night after we planted, and we still got a good stand and excellent yields at the end of the season.”

Wrapping up harvest, Wilson is excited about the possibilities for the future as he learns more about individual varieties and where to plant them for maximum production. As he does, he’ll have to aim high to improve on last season, when his PhytoGen varieties yielded more than three bales an acre, with some fields over three and half bales.

“People riding by our fields have noticed the cotton, and people’s eyes have been opened to what PhytoGen has to offer,” Wilson said. “PhytoGen has some exciting varieties out now that are doing really well. The Enlist herbicides are superior, and you can get really good Pioneer Enlist E3 soybeans. If someone is interested, I would say to try it. If you can do that, I believe you’ll be excited with what’s available.”


Find information on weed control and more in the PhytoGen Cottonseed Agronomy Library.